Monday, October 15, 2012

Pizza Balls with Homemade Marinara Sauce

First serving...which led to the second (and third)

Nice homemade dough...makes everything taste better to make it from scratch.
Thawing out some of my own marinara sauce...
Such a sweet little bunch of fungi.
Green peppers - fresh from the market.
Some of the best pepperoni I've ever had. It's a little expensive, but the pepperoni in Korea is so much better than what I can get at the supermarket in Canada
I figured that the only way you can make a recipe like this better is to add an inordinate amount of roasted garlic - and I was right!
Fresh jalapeño peppers; a little spice for those who care...
All my ingredients, ready to roll!

I prepared WAY too many toppings (fillings?), which resulted in my having to make more dough after dinner, and prepare a bunch of calzones, which I will post when they are cooked, so you can see how delicious they look ;)
The first batch - pan-fried chicken breast with a touch of taco seasoning, roasted garlic, cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, and onions.
First batch ready to go in the oven (the dipped one has a pile of jalapeños in it, so it had to be distinguished from the others).
The second batch had pepperoni instead of chicken.
A bunch of balls waiting to go into the oven. Since it's a toaster oven, they had to wait a while...

I will definitely make these again!

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