Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Jalapeño bagels

A few beautiful bagels, care of my trusty toaster oven :)

A beautiful risen dough - good sign of things to come.

To make the dough, I used the same recipe as my first time making bagels.
Simple ingredients make the best food - flour, water, sugar, yeast, and chopped jalapeño peppers.

Rolling the peppers into the dough.
Once the peppers are incorporated into the dough, it's just a matter of cutting it into pieces, each with the right amount of dough to make one bagel
The bagels after being proofed and boiled, ready to go in the oven. Just before baking, I drizzled a little olive oil on top and sprinkled some kosher salt on them to bring out the flavor of the peppers.
The finished product - nice and shiny, and cooked to perfection!

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